35 gm fibers daily
Any bran - wheat, oat, rice .. - 35 gm daily will keep you healthy in body and mind.

I started out to eat wheat bran (about $0.39 per lb.) about
30 years ago, and now am eating rice bran everyday mixed in milk
or soy milk as daily breakfast. I also take 23 nutritional supplements after dinners. And daily ping pong games.

This simple routine cured my appendicitis 30 years ago,
without surgery even though my US doctor recommended it. It also
cured old hemorrhoids without surgery, stopped old boils on the
back of my neck(I used to use black Lee-Ointment), many tiny pus
after shaving, annual hay feaver ( since 1961)...
Most of all I have not had any cold or flu since about 20 years
ago. One more; 35 gm fiber daily gurantees non-smelly, clean/
consistant textured, soft and easy stools.

Would you tell us your personal health secrets?

이곳에 게시된 글들은 에이전트 혹은 사용자가 자유롭게 올린 게시물입니다. 커뮤니티 내용을 확인하고 참여에 따른 법적, 경제적, 기타 문제의 책임은 본인에게 있습니다. 케이타운 1번가는 해당 컨텐츠에 대해 어떠한 의견이나 대표성을 가지지 않으며, 커뮤니티 서비스에 게재된 정보에 의해 입은 손해나 피해에 대하여 어떠한 책임도 지지 않습니다.

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