
KICPC is awarded from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy


KICPC is awarded from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy

KICPC won the award from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy at the 43rd National Productivity Competition held at the COEX Auditorium in Samsung-dong on the 16th. The National Productivity Awards are organized by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and organized by the Korea Productivity Center.

KICPC was highly praised for making easy for consumers to get domestic and overseas civil documents.

The fact that it was the first case in Korea providing an agent service of global civil documents also had a positive effect on the evaluation.

According to Lee Young-woo, the CEO of KICPC, “We are applying various data processing technologies to our services,” also he emphasized “We will continuously do our best to create a differentiated business model.”


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