
All about Family Civil Documents.


All about Family Civil Documents. 

Here is some useful news for you who lives in Korea with your family!

We provide various civil document related family in Korean or English (translation, notarization, apostille, embassy certificate.

Let’s check some of the most used documents. 

  1. 1. Resident register (주민등록등본)

This document is the most used for proof who live in a household. From 2018, foreign spouses are also listed on the Resident register. It can be issued in Korean and English.

There are different between Resident register and Original Resident register. 

The second one shows personal information of applicant (ex, old address history, name change, military service, etc.)

  1. 2. Family relation certificate. (가족관계증명서)

By this document, you can confirm registration base, name, sex, date of birth, resident register number of yours and your parents, spouse and child. (except of sibiling)

It can be issued in Korean and can be translated in foreign language. 

  1. 3. Basic certificate. (기본증명서)

This document only displays information of applicants. Such as registration base, name, sex date of birth resident register number, birth, death and nationality. 

This one doesn’t provide information about family or spouses and can be issued in Koran and translated in foreign language. 

  1. 4. Marriage relation certificate. (가족관계증명서) 

This document shows information about applicant and spouse. Such as registration base, name, sex date of birth resident register number, birth, death and nationality. 

Also it shows information about marriage and divorce. 

It can be issued in Korean and translated in foreign language. 

KICPC offer issuance, translation, notarization, and apostille of all of civil document include those 4 documents. 

Also we can deliver abroad with international shipping company.

Just visit our web site and ask anything you need!



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