
[KICPC provides immigration certificate issuance service as non face-to-face service]_NEWS


KICPC provides immigration certificate issuance service as non face-to-face service

Corona crisis, required ‘immigration certificate' when overseas residents vote in Korea

Source : KICPC

[Sisa Magazine = Reporter Ji-Hoon Lim] Recently, as the aftermath of the corona virus spread around the world, more and more countries are banning or restricting entry. Korea is not exception. As of now, 49 countries have been banned, and 65 have been quarantined and quarantine strengthened, making it difficult to enter overseas, including not only Koreans but also foreigners who have gone through Korea.

Not long ago, overseas resident Mr. A, who runs a Korean restaurant in Qingdao, China, returned to Korea in mid-February when the situation of Corona virus became serious. Mr. A has applied for an overseas election for a referendum for foreign nationals ahead of the 21st general election on April 15, but it is difficult to return to China until the voting period. Mr. A complained, "In this situation, it is frustrating because there is no announcement of how to vote for people like us, and the government has no official care for overseas Koreans.“

Absent overseas refers to international students, expatriates, and travelers who have the right to vote but have to vote abroad. Overseas elections refer to Korean residents who are 18 years of age or older, but not permanently registered.

A separate report is required to apply for a foreign referendum or an absentee ballot and returning people to vote in Korea. They can submit a withdrawal form, such as the election for overseas absentees within a specified period. However, those who fail to submit within the period can visit the Election Commission of the jurisdiction from the 1st to the 15th of the next month in person or submit a return vote report, such as an overseas election, by mail. However, in this case, you must prepare additional documents such as an 'entry immigration certificate' and an identification card (driver's license / passport, etc.).

KICPC (Delivery of civil documents), which provides non-face-to-face (online) service of domestic and global civil documents from issuance to overseas delivery, promptly provides 'entry certificate' to immigrants who are unable to leave Korea due to these international measures. And it will provide the maximum convenience for safe issuance.

Even if you don't go directly, you can apply on the Internet and mobile with just a few clicks. Even if there is no need for official certificate, computer, printer, ink, etc., the service is provided so that you can receive it by email or at a customer-specified location. In particular, people who want to get their document in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do areas can be received even by quick delivery on the day.

In addition, as the restrictions on entry and exit of each country are increasing, it is possible to process a large number of civil documents that must be submitted from domestic to overseas, from overseas to overseas. Most of all, KICPC is attracting attention from civilians around the world with accurate business processing and prompt and safe service by experts.

Source : 시사매거진(http://www.sisamagazine.co.kr)

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