
벼수확 Rice harvest in Korea.


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벼수확 Rice harvest in Korea. 

한국의 벼수확 모습.

벼는 벼과의 재배종으로, 아시아 재배종과 아프리카 재배종 두 종뿐이다. 아프리카 재배종은 서아프리카의 일부 지역에서만 재배되며, 일반적으로 재배벼는 아시아 재배종으로 인식된다. 일모작 혹은 이모작의 식물로 논에서 경작 가능하다. 1~1.8미터, 때로는 그 이상으로도 자라며, 길이 50~100센티미터, 폭 2~2.5센티미터의 길고 가느다란 잎을 지닌다. 꽃은 작고 바람을 이용하여 수정이 되며, 식물의 알맹이인 쌀은 5~12밀리미터 길이에 2.3밀리미터 폭을 가지며 세계적으로 중요한 곡식이다. 하지만 이런 형태적인 특징은 벼의 종류와 재배 환경에 따라 많은 차이가 있다. 세계 인구의 절반 이상이 벼의 낟알인 쌀을 주식으로 하는데 거의 모두가 아시아 지역에서 재배된다. 벼는 수천 년 전에 동남아시아에서 야생으로 자라던 벼를 사람들이 채집해서 먹었던 것으로 보고 있다. 이미 기원전 5000년경에 중국 남부와 타이 북부, 라오스, 베트남에서 식량으로 벼를 재배했다는 증거를 발견했다. 그 곳에서 북쪽으로는 중국을 거쳐 한국과 일본으로, 서쪽으로는 인도, 남쪽으로는 인도네시아까지 벼가 전해졌다. 유럽에서 벼가 처음 재배된 것은 서기 700년경이다. 곡식 작물인 벼는 밀, 옥수수, 귀리를 비롯한 다른 곡류와 마찬가지로 화본과에 속한다. 그러나 벼는 다른 곡류와 달리 얕은 물에서 잘 자란다. 열대지역의 무덥고 습한 기후 조건은 벼를 가장 잘 자라게 하는 요인이다. 한국에서는 4월 중순부터 5월 중순경까지 못자리를 만들어 볍씨를 뿌린 뒤 30-50일이 지난 6월 상순경에 모내기를 한다. 모는 규칙 바르게 줄을 맞춰 심어야 하며 한 포기에 4-5대씩 심는다. 근래에는 기계를 써서 모내기를 하는 농가가 많아졌다. 벼가 자람에 따라 2-3차례 김매기를 하고 거름을 주어야 하며, 병충해를 없애기 위해 농약도 뿌려 주어야 한다. 가을이 되어 벼가 영글면 베어 말려 털어서 정미기로 껍질을 벗기면 쌀이 된다. Rice harvest in Korea. Please, Subscribe and Like. Thank you. Papago Translation. Rice is a cultivation species of the rice family, and there are only two cultivated species in Asia and Africa. African cultivars are cultivated only in parts of West Africa, and generally cultivated rice is recognized as an Asian cultivator. It can be cultivated in rice paddies with Ilmojak or Leemojak plants. It grows 1 to 1.8 meters, sometimes more than that, and has long and thin leaves of 50 to 100 centimeters long and 2 to 2.5 centimeters wide. Flowers are small and fertilized using wind, and rice, the kernel of plants, is 5-12 millimeters long and 2.3 millimeters wide, and is an important grain worldwide. However, these morphological features vary greatly depending on the type of rice and the cultivation environment. More than half of the world's population feeds on rice, and almost all of them are grown in Asia. Rice is believed to have been collected and eaten by people who grew wild in Southeast Asia thousands of years ago. It has already found evidence that rice was grown as food in southern China, northern Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam around 5000 BC. From there, rice was passed through China to Korea and Japan to the north, India to the west, and Indonesia to the south. Rice was first cultivated in Europe around 700 AD. Rice, a grain crop, belongs to the Hwabon family like other grains including wheat, corn, and oats. However, unlike other grains, rice grows well in shallow water. Hot and humid climatic conditions in tropical regions are the factors that make rice grow best. In Korea, a pond is made from mid-April to mid-May to sow rice seeds, and rice is planted around the beginning of June, 30 to 50 days later. You have to plant the seedlings in a proper line and plant 4-5 units per head. In recent years, more farmers use machines to plant rice. As rice grows, it should be weaved 2-3 times and fertilized, and pesticides should be sprayed to eliminate pests. In autumn, when the rice is ripe, it becomes rice by cutting and drying it and peeling it with a rice mill. There are only two types of rice cultivated today: Asian rice and African rice. The main type of cultivation is Asian rice, and only a small amount of African rice is cultivated in western Africa. Asian rice can be classified into Indian, Japonica, and Java types. Indian types are grown in India and other tropical regions. The zaponica type is grown in Asia's rather cool climates, including Korea, China, and Japan, and in Europe, North America, and Australia. The Java type is grown in Indonesia. There are more than 70,000 varieties of rice in these three seasons. Rice is also classified into rice paddies and field rice according to the cultivation method. Rice paddies grow well in places with a lot of water and account for about 90% of the world's cultivation area. Field rice is cultivated in areas that are too high to water and accounts for about 10% of the world's cultivation area. In addition, depending on the long or short growth period of rice, it is classified as an early species, a Mesozoic species, and a perennial species. Rice farming. Rice is an important food resource for more than half of the world's population and is the most widely used grain. Rice farming is also called Dojak. Rice farming is low-wage and suitable for the Dow area, because rice farming is very labor intensive and requires a large amount of water for cultivation. However, it can grow practically anywhere, even in the middle of a steep mountain. Rice has the third largest harvest in the world after corn and wheat. The country of origin is not known exactly, and there are many opinions among scholars to date. However, it is currently shared not only in Asia but also in many cultures.

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