
뉴욕 주지사 새벽에 군 수사관에 채포 관타나모 군사 법정 재판기일 지정




Michael Baxter


September 3, 2021



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The Office of Military Commissions and the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps have scheduled a tribunal date for former New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo. The disgraced politician, who resigned amid a plethora of sexual misconduct allegations, will stand before a 3-officer panel beginning on September 20.

As reported previously, Cuomo was taken into custody on August 15 when U.S. Navy Seals stormed his East Hampton domicile in a pre-dawn raid. Cuomo spent two days in a temporary holding facility before being flown to GITMO for processing. He is currently housed at GITMO’s Camp Delta detention block.

According to sources familiar with the arrest, Cuomo has been an “unruly” detainee and has often verbally sparred with GITMO staff.

“He hardly sleeps, cusses at everybody, throws his food trays against the wall and is always demanding to speak to his brother, Chris. Guards had to gag him because he was spitting on them when they took him from is cell to the shower. He keeps screaming about how is people are going to save him,” a source said.

The U.S. military is holding Cuomo to account for the deaths of at least 32,000 American senior citizens who needlessly perished during the initial wave of the global plandemic. The Office of Military Commissions alleges that Cuomo threatened to withhold state funding from hospitals, nursing homes and hospices unless they attributed non-Covid-19 fatalities to Covid-19. Moreover, the charges suggest Cuomo ordered these facilities to place living people in mobile, refrigerated morgues and eighteen-wheelers retrofitted into roving crematoriums.

RRN will report on the tribunal once it begins.

OMC 슬롯 CUOMO 군사 재판소


마이클 백스터


2021 9 3



군사위원회 사무소와 미해군 법무장관 군단은 Andrew Cuomo  뉴욕주 주지사에 대한 재판소 날짜를 잡았습니다수많은 성추행 의혹 속에 사임한 불명예스러운 정치인이 9 20일부터 3 위원회에 출석합니다.

이전에 보고된 바와 같이 Cuomo 8 15  네이비씰이 새벽에 습격하여 그의 이스트 햄튼 거주지를 습격했을  구금되었습니다. Cuomo 처리를 위해 GITMO 이송되기 전에 임시 보관 시설에서 이틀을 보냈습니다그는 현재 GITMO Camp Delta 구치소에 수감되어 있습니다.

체포에 대해  알고 있는 소식통에 따르면 Cuomo "제멋대로인구금자였으며 종종 GITMO 직원과 구두로 언쟁을 벌였습니다.

그는 거의 잠을 자지 않고모두에게 욕을 하고음식 쟁반을 벽에 던지고항상 그의  크리스에게 말하라고 요구합니다경비원은 그를 감방에서 샤워실로 데려갔을  침을 뱉고 있었기 때문에 그를 재갈을 물려야 했습니다사람들이 어떻게 자신을 구할  있을지 계속 소리를 지르고 있다  소식통은 전했다.

미군은  세계적 대유행의 초기 물결 동안 불필요하게 사망한 최소 32,000명의 미국 노인의 죽음에 대해 Cuomo 지목하고 있습니다 위원회 사무국은 Cuomo 코로나19 아닌 사망자를 Covid-19 돌리지 않는  병원요양원  호스피스에 대한 주정부 자금 지원을 보류하겠다고 위협했다고 주장합니다더욱이혐의는 Cuomo  시설에 살아있는 사람들을 이동식 냉장 영안실에 배치하고 이동하는 화장터에 개조된 18륜구동 차량을 배치하도록 명령했음을 시사합니다.

RRN 일단 시작되면 재판소에 보고할 것입니다.

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