Cogito, Ergo Sum. - The life story of one Virginian.
A Book Review: The Winter of Our DiscontentThe Winter of Our Discontent, the last novel by American…
[Essays of My Heart]Why do I diligently read the novels of John Steinbeck?SoltiJohn Steinbeck (1902…
[Essay in My Heart]Sea of CortezJohn Steinbeck, a prominent American novelist who wrote many novels…
[Essay in My Heart]A Book Review: Cannery RowBy Solti Cannery Row is a short story by the famous Am…
[Essay in My Heart]A Book Review: Cannery RowCannery Row는 미국의 유명 소설가인 John Steinbeck의 단편소설로 The Vik…
[Essay in My Heart]Tortilla FlatIt's autumn, a good time to read. I was wondering if there woul…
The Age of Technology Dependence and GreedAs I look at the recent trends, I have experienced variou…