
[Essay in My Heart] The Age of Technology Dependence and Greed


The Age of Technology Dependence and Greed

As I look at the recent trends, I have experienced various social phenomena in the surroundings as the days of greed due to technology dependence approach each other differently.

Since it is the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the field of industry, the topics of communication in the 5th generation (5G: The 5th Generation Mobile Networks or the 5th Generation Wireless Systems) in the mobile communication field have been controversial in newspapers, broadcasting, and social media. It is being dealt with, and technology is changing and changing day by day without notice.

In this technological flow, I would like to share some examples I have experienced in recent daily life. There are many miscellaneous tasks to be handled in general family life, but let's look at the communication, broadcasting, and medical fields.

In the case of telecommunications, there are many companies that provide integrated services of broadcasting and telecommunications, including the Internet, telephone, and fixed-line broadcasting services, according to the Telecommunications Act of 1996. If subscribers do not meticulously check their bills every month, they have made it difficult for subscribers to notice the increased service charges.

The terms of each service item are used in a confusing notice, making it very difficult for subscribers to know. When you make a call to contact the customer service center, the waiting time for waiting to speak to an agent becomes quite long. It is a common reflection. Even if you are very fortunate, the customer will have no time to deal with the justification of the rate increase in exchange for all kinds of nonsense reasons. Even so, if customers point out injustice for reasons that are persistent and enduring, they will only step back and take reluctantly accept the customer's request.

In short, we have intentionally made all the procedures very difficult to prevent our customers from properly protesting any issues. If you need to know something, you will be dressed… It will take a long time until you can speak to an agent once you make a call. In today's fast-paced Internet world, a very small number of vicious telecommunications service providers intentionally evade calls with customers, quickly exhausting their customers, or forcing customers to forget about the work, forcing them to pay unfairly. It's just tricky exploitation of customers using unjustified ways to make more money.

In the case of the medical field, data related to medical treatment or treatment using computers generated in the triangle of subscribers, hospitals, and medical insurance companies between hospitals and medical insurance companies, are used to finally calculate the appropriate medical insurance premiums that all agree. Because the necessary information is not shared or it is inefficient, there are many cases in which false bills are delivered to subscribers because of time-lapse. It is a common reflection. In this way, the timely electronic data exchange between the two periods is very messed up. Just wait ... People who never need the Internet.

It remains to be guessed why the US health insurance system is a mess. It has enough background knowledge for efficient business processing in order to smoothly process work by linking the computer system with all the steps, the overall flow, and other institutions that process data using the database on the Internet. This is because there are many cases where there are few or few.

Can it be called the “Technology Divide” phenomenon? Despite the desperate need of education or training in technology for the company's daily business processing, it seems that there are not many institutions that do this properly and timely, and properly for employees. Even if we admit that technology is evolving rapidly and the skills to be learned are very diverse, education and training for a minimum of basic job processing to some extent is not necessary for employees. In short, management of changes in the work environment, that is, change management (CM) is not properly done.

When entrepreneurs working hard in every field bring new ideas to the world differently, entrepreneurs quickly make money by making products or services, and ordinary users who purchase or use these products or services are the basic skills for them. However, due to lack of knowledge, these days, it is structured to be followed by general users as companies demand. However, the problem is that this degree is too severe. Even if you look at the intentional deterioration of the battery used in iPhones recently produced by Apple. In other words, the imbalance of technology and knowledge has become a very serious world between the company and customers.

The traditional concept of commerce practices of buying and selling goods in the shop is now moving to cyberspace on the Internet, so there is little or no general understanding of Internet-based Electronic Commerce (e-Commerce). It is heard that the old generation is suffering a lot of fraud. The most serious type of fraud is that they often threaten to arrest immediately if they do not pay taxes, etc. that were pushed in a coercive voice by posing as IRS employees or employees of law enforcement agencies by phone. I have received such a phone call once, and from now on, I handle this unwanted call by checking the reliability of the phone number on the Internet without receiving any suspicious phone calls using the Caller ID and Voice Messaging System attached to the phone.

If you look at Bitcoin and Blockchain, which are currently driving the world, it is. Bitcoin is a kind of cryptocurrency that is used in the virtual space of the Internet. It is an electronic currency based on a decentralized database that enables trading parties to conduct direct transactions between the parties without going through a third-party intermediary such as a bank by using a blockchain, the underlying technology. It is a financial processing system. In a word, since they do not believe in financial institutions that have made a lot of profits by processing customer deposits or financial business processing services so far, they will now be excluded from financial transactions. The United States and Switzerland have already allowed Bitcoin trading, and more and more countries are planning to pursue it. People's sentiment that the government or regulators do not want to receive much of the regulations or regulations is under the foundation of these new technologies, and in recent years, investing money in Bitcoin, which has rapidly increased in value, dreams of raising money in a short period of time. 

Blockchain refers to a technology that enables data to be reliably secured without any other accredited institution by jointly verifying, recording, and storing data on the Internet. Many experts predict that this technology will become a very important core technology in the development of the fourth industrial revolution.

Technology, whether we accept it or not, is very necessary for our daily lives. Recent technological developments, especially IT technology, are so fast that even experts can't keep up. Here, various scams and fake news centered on money are in play, and the world is becoming dizzier and dizzier. Regardless of the real space in the real world between people and people, between people and various institutions, between institutions and institutions, between countries and countries, and virtual spaces on the Internet, it has been a long time since trust and ethics in space have collapsed. The emergence of new technologies such as Blockchain is showing them more naked these days. Human greed has been constant since human history, and where is the end?

John Steinbeck, a prominent American novelist who accused humans of greed, wrote in Mexico's narrative 'The Pearl', where the protagonist Kitto faced the vast sea and wanted to have it forever. Nowadays, when I finally get the pearl, I can think of the final scene of the novel that throws it into the air without any regret.


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