Cogito, Ergo Sum. - The life story of one Virginian.
A Book Review: The Art of the Handwritten NoteIn The Art of the Handwritten Note, Margaret Shepherd…
[Essays on My Heart]A Book Review: The Analects of Confucius (論語)Since I first heard about the Anal…
A Book Review: The Winter of Our DiscontentThe Winter of Our Discontent, the last novel by American…
[Essays of My Heart]After Reading "Dasan's Knowledge Management Method"SoltiLong ago, during an…
[Essay in My Heart]A Book Review: The Pastures of Heaven "The Pastures of Heaven (In Spanish, Las P…
A Book Review of Pachinko Generated by ChatGPTMy Q: Would you write a book review of Pachinko autho…
[Essay in My Heart] A Book Review: PachinkoBy SoltiPachinko is a novel by Korean American writer Mi…
A Book Review: The Grapes of WrathSoltiThe Grapes of the Wrath is a quintessentially American novel…
[Essay in My Heart]Book Review … Seoyugyeonmun (西遊見聞)In 2008, with the help of a person who was vis…
[Essay in My Heart]독후감 … 서유견문(西遊見聞)2008년 나는 야심차게 유길준의 서유견문을 여름방학을 이용하여 읽어보고자 한국에 방문하였던 분의 도움으로 책을 구…
[Essay in My Heart]A Book Review: Cannery RowBy Solti Cannery Row is a short story by the famous Am…
[Essay in My Heart]A Book Review: Cannery RowCannery Row는 미국의 유명 소설가인 John Steinbeck의 단편소설로 The Vik…