
[Essays of My Heart] A Book Review: The Analects of Confucius (論語)


[Essays on My Heart]

A Book Review: The Analects of Confucius (論語)

Since I first heard about the Analects in elementary school, I have continuously encountered fragmented excerpts during my middle and high school Chinese and Korean classes. Although I had a curiosity and desire to read the entire text, I never fulfilled that wish until now, when I finally had the precious opportunity to read the Analects in full.

What I was most interested in was identifying the phrases in the Analects that have the highest applicability to real life, given that it occupies a significant place in Eastern philosophy and thought, and understanding their meanings concisely.

The Analects is a classic that records the conversations between Confucius and his disciples. Below, I have interpreted 20 phrases that are highly applicable to real life, along with the original text.

學而時習之 不亦說乎
 "Is it not a joy to learn and to apply what you have learned occasionally?"

The process of learning and practicing brings joy, and consistently applying what you learn can lead to satisfaction and happiness.

人而無信 不知其可也
 "If a person has no trust, what can they achieve?"

Actions based on trust, which is the foundation of human relationships and society, create sustainable relationships.

君子喩於義 小人喩於利
 "The noble person understands righteousness; the petty person understands profit."

Right behavior is a more important value than profit, and ethical judgment must transcend personal gain.

三人行 必有我師焉
 "When three people walk together, there is bound to be a teacher among them."

There is something to learn from everyone around you, and having a humble attitude towards learning allows for personal growth.

知之者 不如好之者 好之者 不如樂之者
 "Those who know are not as good as those who love, and those who love are not as good as those who enjoy."

Enjoying what you do brings the greatest results, and learning while enjoying it leads to even greater development.

己所不欲 勿施於人
 "Do not impose on others what you do not desire."

When dealing with others, do not do things to them that you would not want to experience yourself.

不患人之不己知 患不知人也
 "Do not worry that others do not recognize you; worry that you do not recognize others."

Understanding others is more important than seeking recognition from them.

巧言令色 鮮矣仁
 "Those who speak cleverly and adorn their faces are rarely benevolent."

A sincere attitude is important, and actions characterized by honesty and authenticity hold greater value than mere eloquence.

過而不改 是謂過矣
 "Failing to correct a mistake is the true error."

It is important to acknowledge and correct mistakes; not repeating them is a sign of maturity.

見賢思齊焉 見不賢而內自省也
 "When seeing a virtuous person, aspire to be like them; when seeing an unvirtuous person, reflect on yourself."

Learning from others' virtues and reflecting on one’s own faults is crucial.

德不孤 必有鄰
 "Virtue is never alone; it always has neighbors."

When one accumulates virtue, good people naturally gather around them.

君子和而不同 小人同而不和
 "The noble person is harmonious but not identical; the petty person is identical but not harmonious."

Respecting different opinions while achieving harmony is important; unconditional agreement does not represent true harmony.

知者樂水 仁者樂山
 "The wise love water, and the benevolent love mountains."

A wise person is flexible like water, while a benevolent person is calm and stable like a mountain.

剛毅木訥 近仁
 "Those who are strong and resolute, and simple and honest, are close to benevolence."

People should be strong and straightforward, as such individuals can approach the virtue of benevolence.

 "Excess is as bad as deficiency."

It is important to do everything appropriately; excess is just as harmful as deficiency.

 "Profit arises from righteousness."

When one acts rightly, good results and benefits will ultimately follow.

言必信 行必果
 "Words must be trustworthy, and actions must yield results."

Keeping promises and acting responsibly is essential.

君子坦蕩蕩 小人長戚戚
 "The noble person is at ease, while the petty person is always worried."

Living honestly and rightly brings peace of mind, while vile actions ultimately lead to worry and anxiety.

博學而篤志 切問而近思
 "Broaden your learning and establish strong aspirations; earnestly ask questions and think about what is close."

A wide education and deep reflection are important; start by contemplating nearby issues.

道不同 不相爲謀
 "If paths are different, there can be no collaboration."

It is difficult to cooperate when values differ, so work with those who have similar goals and values.

Among these key phrases from the Analects, one that stands out as a four-character idiom might be "仁者無敵" (Injamujeok). This means "The benevolent person has no enemies," where " (In)" refers to 'love and moral character.' Practicing this means avoiding conflicts with others and earning respect.

Ultimately, the core of the Analects emphasizes " (In)," that is, love and consideration for others, and seeks to create a world of peace and harmony by practicing a moral life amidst a chaotic and dishonest society. ***


September 30, 2024

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