Cogito, Ergo Sum. - The life story of one Virginian.
Lessons Learned through the Adventurous Exploration of Gan Yi's Life A fair and just evaluation…
Exploration of the Creative Spirit of Choi Rip (최립, 崔岦)It is an incredibly important task to make a…
Living in a quiet and tranquil countryside as I age year by year, I've been pondering over hobb…
[Essays of My Heart]Why do I diligently read the novels of John Steinbeck?SoltiJohn Steinbeck (1902…
존 스타인벡(1902…1968)은 미국의 저명한 소설가, 연극 작가, 수필가, 그리고 단편 소설 작가인데, 그의 대표작으로는 "Of Mice and Men"과 "The Grape…
[Essay in My Heart]A Book Review: The Pastures of Heaven "The Pastures of Heaven (In Spanish, Las P…
[내 마음의 隨筆]The Pastures of Heaven1932년 가을에 처음 출간된 "The Pastures of Heaven (천국의 목장: 스페인어 Las Pasturas…
[Essay in My Heart] Current Status of the U.S. IT Industry - NAViGATE 2023 Observation ReportNAViGA…
[Essay in My Heart] A Book Review: PachinkoBy SoltiPachinko is a novel by Korean American writer Mi…
[Essay in My Heart]Health First and HappinessTime is more complex near the sea than in any other pl…
[Essay In My heart]A Book Review: The Moon is Down‘The Moon is Down’ is a novella-play originally w…
[Essay in My Heart]Linda Hall LibraryA room without books is like a body without a soul.- Marcus Tu…