Cogito, Ergo Sum. - The life story of one Virginian.
A Book Review: The Winter of Our DiscontentThe Winter of Our Discontent, the last novel by American…
"Master Slave Husband Wife" is a nonfiction work by Korean American author Ilyon Woo, published in …
Multilingual EraLast week, I had to visit a government office for a brief errand, and while waiting…
In Dubious Battle"In Dubious Battle" is a novella written by the prominent American novelist John S…
[Essays of My Heart]Why do I diligently read the novels of John Steinbeck?SoltiJohn Steinbeck (1902…
[Essay in My Heart]A Book Review: The Pastures of Heaven "The Pastures of Heaven (In Spanish, Las P…
[Essay in My Heart] The Red Pony In September 1953, the book "The Short Novels of John Steinbeck" w…
[내 마음의 隨筆]The Red Pony 1953년 9월 미국의 The Viking Press, Inc.에서 출판된 책인 "The Short Novels of John Stein…
INTELLECT HORIZON 2023INTELLECT HORIZON 2023 took place as an international event centered at the A…
[Essay in My Heart]Sea of CortezJohn Steinbeck, a prominent American novelist who wrote many novels…
A Book Review of Pachinko Generated by ChatGPTMy Q: Would you write a book review of Pachinko autho…
[Essay in My Heart] A Book Review: PachinkoBy SoltiPachinko is a novel by Korean American writer Mi…