
Necessary Documents for student planning to transfer school in Korea


Necessary Documents for student planning to transfer school in Korea



There are many elementary, middle and high school students who live abroad with their parents.

And also according to that more and more students are returning back to Korea after their parents' work and study.

Today, we will tell you how to transfer to a school in Korea for student who are planning to come back to Korea!

There are 7 kinds of documents you need to prepare for transferring to school in Korea

*Please check the website of school you’re planning to transfer!!

1.Application of transferring school

-application of student

-agreements of parents

2. Certificate of attendance at overseas school, transcripts of records (All grades attended, must be notarized)

-Date of enrollment, year of enrollment, signature of principal must be on the documents

3. Domestic School Life School Record (if applicable)

4. Certificate of Entry & Exit of all family

5. Certificate of Household Register (issued after return date)

6. Certificate of vaccination under Article 27 of the Act on Prevention and Management of Infectious Diseases

* Required vaccinations

   ① DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis mixed vaccine): 5th inoculation

   ② Polio (poliomyelitis): 4th inoculation

   ③ MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella): 2nd inoculation

   ④ Japanese encephalitis (Inactivated Vaccine 4th inoculation, Live Vaccine 2nd inoculation)

7. In the case of dispatch, proof of dispatch(Must specify the dispatch period)


To submit certificate of attendance and transcripts of records at overseas school, you need Apostille or notarization!

The process is quite complicated and it takes time and costs so many people are having trouble getting Apostille!!!

Also to issue certificate of Entry & Exit you need authorization certificate of Korea.

This also make many people hard to issue certificate of Entry & Exit from abroad :(

Don’t worry KICPC will here to help you!!

We’re provides services for transferring to school in Korea!

From issuing the certificate of Entry & Exit, we also provides notarization and Apostille!

Don’t worry about having trouble from getting certificate of Entry & Exit because of authorization certificate anymore! And don’t worry about complicated process of notarization and Apostille!

By clicking button at your home, we prepare all documents quickly, accurately and deliver to your home! 

If you want to know more about our service

Visit global.allminwon.com or send us e-mail to apo@allminwon.com !!

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