
[KICPC issues a UK criminal history certificate (ACRO) locally with a few clicks]


KICPC issues a UK criminal history certificate (ACRO) locally with a few clicks
In Corona crisis, KICPC solves difficult overseas documents process anytime, anywhere with non-face-to-face service

While Corona Outbreak is hitting the world terribly, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in Europe has exceeded 200,000. European countries are struggling to prevent the spread of corona virus. In particular, in the UK, the cumulative number of confirmed cases has recently surpassed 8,000, and the number of deaths has also exceeded 400. Eventually, even a movement restriction order was declared.
Mr.Choi, who had lived and finished all his studies in the UK, he recently moved to the United States to work for a global company. However, He is in trouble because the company asked him to submit a local criminal history certificate (ACRO) in the UK. He has to go to the UK in order to get an issuance of it, but it is expensive and time consuming. Also, as the corona crisis has recently spread to the United States and Europe, entering the UK is also difficult situation.
British citizen Mr.Park, who came to Korea to meet his parents with non-visa, is in the same situation. For a long-term stay in Korea, due to the fear of spread of corona virus in the UK, overseas Koreans must obtain a F4 visa and a residence permit to stay more than 90 days. In case of people who has British nationality, to apply for an F4 visa and a residence permit (alien registration card), they have to obtain and submit a local criminal history certificate (ACRO) from the UK. But because ACRO only can be issued in local UK, preparing ACRO in Korea is difficult problem.
A criminal history certificate in each country is one of the documents required for application for study abroad, employment, visa issuance for foreigners, and application for permanent residence. It is essential if you have stayed abroad for more than 6 months. In order to be issued, it is possible through the application by completing the fingerprint registration document and application form in local place to verify the identity of the person. Each country has a different issuance method and it takes a long time.
In addition, in order to submit a criminal history certificate of the country abroad, it is necessary to go through complicated and demanding process of notarization, Apostille, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Embassy certification. As a result, the current situation of corona virus has strengthened the restrictions on entry and exit of each country, making it difficult for many people around the world to deal above processes.
Accordingly, KICPC Co., Ltd., is an agency that issues a criminal record certificate of each country, not only in Korea, but also in all over the world, through the Internet and a mobile application (non-face-to-face). KICPC provides one-stop services can be delivered worldwide. The services include not only criminal history certificate, but also all kinds of documents required in various fields (immigration, study abroad, employment, visa, international driving license, etc.)
As a non-face-to-face document service which fits social distance campaign these days, people can apply anytime, anywhere, even if they don't visit KICPC. People can issue every documents without a public certificate, computer, or printer. There is a great advantage that people can receive it by an email or to the desired location.


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