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Apostille documents in Brazil


Hello, it’s KICPC. 

The posting for today is about how to apostille documents in Brazil.

What is apostille by the way?

Apostille is the simplified certification of public documents (including notarized) to be used in Hague Convention countries, excluding the legalization of a Consulate or Embassy office. 

(Note: The brazil consular legalization process is no longer needed but the notary offices of Brazil capital may require additional legalization by a Consulate of Embassy office.)

Since Brazil is the member of Hague Convention (widely known as Apostille Convention), 

you need just a few steps to process with:


Well then, 

who needs to get documents apostilled in Brazil?

It is necessary for most students abroad to get their visa in Brazil. 

The documents to typically get them apostilled are mostly in the following list:

A recent non-criminal record

A birth certificate

A graduate certificate


Report cards

Vital records such as birth marriage or death certificates




In order to apostille documents above, 

the first thing you have to do is request qualified translator to translate them 

because it might be rejected when the translation is inaccurate. 

Then, you need to visit any notary office of your country

 in the jurisdiction the document has been executed. 

However, if you already arrived in Brazil, it is a bit hard to reach your country again. 

These happenings are commonly seen around us and 

KICPC is one of the global document processing agencies.

At KICPC, we provide quick, accurate, and reliable documents process service on behalf of you. 

Since we have qualified translators in the company, we can offer you our service without any delay. 

Click the link below to enter our website directly and have a free consultation with our specialists!

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