
Get your Russia criminal records easily : Russian no criminal record


If you want to work in abroad, 

get your Russian criminal record by using KICPC


Hello, It’s KICPC.

In these days, It’s too hard to go abroad due to Corona19.

Please take care of your health. J

Today, I bring some good news for those who plan to work in abroad after Corona19 is end.

For working abroad, you have to submit your Criminal Records.

*If you’ve stayed in other country for 6 months or more, criminal records can be issued.

Criminal Records refers to checking up your criminal history, or an identity.

How to get Certificate of Russian no criminal record

To obtain a certificate of no criminal record the Russian or foreign citizens residing in the Republic of Korea should attend the Consular Section in person and submit following requirements:

  1.  1. Application form :

The application form should be completed in Russian language either legibly handwritten or printed. Any corrections in the application form are not allowed.

  1. 2. Original and a copy of passport (page with photo)

The turnaround time for processing a criminal check is approximately 1-2 months.

If you don’t have time to go get the Criminal Records, 

or if you’re not in the situation to go to the embassy,


 It takes only 10 days If you use KICPC’s Criminal Record Check service ;-)

We provide services from various countries besides Korea. :-)

If you are too busy to get Criminal Records,

It’s good way to use our service agency.

We are a brand that certified by the state.

So you can use our service with trust.

For more information


Office Hours: 9am – 6pm Monday – Friday 

Customer Support: +82 1090062182

 Email: apo@allminwon.com

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