
Need to get residence permit from Norwegian UDI? Get it over with KICPC!


Hello, KICPC is here for you!
Today what i am going to tell is on documents needed in getting residence 

permit from Norwegian UDI..!


  In order to live with your Norwegian spouse in Norway or stay legally in Norway for some other reasons, you need to get residence permit from UDI which in charge of immigration. To actually grab the residence permit, you need to prepare some documents and get them ‘legalized’.

‘Legalization’ stands for that the the Ministry confirms the signature and stamp on a document are genuine and that the document has been signed by a public official who is authorized to do so. Until it get legalized from the authority a document couldn’t be considered valid abroad. 

Followings are the documents which you need to prepare and make sure Apostille stamps on each. The documents may differ from person by person but the one thing is clear. You need to prepare some documents and get it all Apostille certified, which is a bit tricky and time-consuming. 

- Birth certificate
 - Basic certificate
 - Certification of family relationship / Family census register
 - Marriage certificate
 - Graduate certificate
 - Certification of employment 

Moreover, this step is no more than one step of whole process to get the residence permit. You may have to prepare VISA interview! To focus on other things more, let’s wrap up easy things ASAP with KICPC. 

We have skillful workers and professionals dealing with all the document-related work! 
So don’t hesitate! JUST TRY IT! 

KICPC wil welcome any inquiries!

Feel free to contact us thru the contact details below!

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