
KICPC tells you about Italian art & apostille



There are many famous painters in Italy.

When it comes to Italian art, 

Renaissance art is probably the first thing that comes to mind.

And many geniuses were active at this time.

So, today I bring some Renaissance work

File:Giotto - Scrovegni - -36- - Lamentation (The Mourning of Christ) adj.jpg

(from : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Giotto_-_Scrovegni_-_-36-_-_Lamentation_(The_Mourning_of_Christ)_adj.jpg)

This is the work of Giotto di Bondone, the painter of the early Renaissance.

Joto created a sense of space that had never been seen before, 

such as portraying the sides and the back, and expressed three-dimensional effect on the plane using the foreshortening,

 perspective method, and light and shade.

This painting depicts Maria's sorrow, 

embracing the dead Jesus Christ from the cross.

In this painting, what is expressed above a person's head is a halo.

Halo is expressed to the biblical figure.


(from : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d2/Masaccio%2C_trinit%C3%A0.jpg)

Masaccio is also the painter of the early Renaissance

Let me tell you an interesting fact.

Do you know when perspective was first used in the painting?

The perspective was first used during the 15th century Renaissance.

And Masaccio is the first person who invented perspective in painting.

is the painting that perspective is used.

Masaccio made the depth of space by using foreshortening and superposition.

Also, he drew this painting to the eye level of an Italian man.

So, as the height reaches the end of the cross,

 the point of loss becomes the end of the cross. 

Thus, people can see this painting more vividly.

File:The Last Supper Leonardo Da Vinci - High Resolution.jpg

(from : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Last_Supper_Leonardo_Da_Vinci_-_High_Resolution.jpg)

This painting is the work of Leonardo Da Vinci.

He is the one who led the Renaissance, and real genius in many ways.

He left many famous artworks.

Including Mona Lisa, Vitruvian Man, Adoration of Magi…

The Last Supper was painted in tempers, not in the fresco mural technique that was popular at the time. So it was immediately tarnished.

Unfortunately, the current mural is very damaged.

In the Last Supper, Jesus and his disciples appear.

 From left to right, Bartholomew, James(son of Alphaeus), Andrew, Judas Iscariot, Peter, John, Jesus, Thomas, James the Greater, Philip, Matthew, Jude Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot.

(from : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piet%C3%A0_(Michelangelo)#/media/File:Michelangelo's_Pieta_5450_cut_out_black.jpg)

This sculpture was made by Michelangelo. 

He is one of the most representative figures of the Renaissance period

 depicts the body of Jesus Christ, who was placed on the lap of his mother, after hanging from the cross and dying.

This sculpture is very big. The actual size is more than 2 meters.

Although there exists a fact that Maria's body proportion is very large compared to Jesus' body and proportionally does not match at all, nevertheless the delicate expression of emotion and the expression of the hem of the robe stands out.

There are many other famous works. Including ceiling murals of Sistine Chapel, David, Bacchus.

If you have the curiosity about Michelangelo’s works, go and search!

As Italian art is famous, many people want to study in Italy.

If you decided to go to Italy for studying, you should get an apostille on your documents.

"Apostille” is a form of authentication issued to documents for use in countries that participate in the Hague Convention of 1961. In general, after the 'Ministry of Foreign Affairs' and 'Embassy Certification', the reliability of the national document is verified, but there is an inconvenience in terms of time and cost. To resolve this inconvenience, without consular legalization through overseas consulates among the member countries, Apostille has appeared, which recognizes documents with Apostille as legalized documents.

(from : http://global.allminwon.com/html/sub02_02.html)

In short, you have to get an apostille on your documents to be valid in a foreign country.

But!!! What if you went abroad without apostille?

It may be bothering you.

You'll be wondering if you should go back to your home country to get an apostille.

Even if you go back to your home country,

 it will be hard because of the complicated procedure.

In this situation

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Have a good day :-)

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