
How To Get Spanish Document Ready To Use In Other Countries In Room


Hi, this is KICPC :-)
 It’s raining heavily here in Korea for about a week.
 So today I feel a little bit drowsy!
   How is your country?! How are you?!

(Hope you in good mood   )

  Imagining a sunny daylight of Spain in summer, today I am going to look thoroughly on how to get apostille on Spanish document and the easy way that you can do even in your room! 
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  You may know that when it comes to a matter between two different countries, you need to go through some complicated procedures. The most representative is a matter of sending a document from a country to another. This kind of matters happen frequently when you are living abroad for reasons like study or work. Indeed, there are many foreign people residing in Spain to study, work, marry and so on. To submit Spanish documents to abroad, you should  process some steps like below. 


  Given that you are sending a document to a country whose language is different from the language of which your document is written, you need to (1) translate the document in to the language of submit country. Thus for the matter of sending a document from Spain you should translate all the Spanish on the document to the official language that the recipient country use. Then you should (2) get notarization on the translation to make sure your translation is reliable. 

  After translating and notarizing, there is only one step left. That is (3) getting certification on the authenticity of the document, so called authentication to prove that the document is genuine and legal. But there are two types of certification depending on if both two countries join Hague Convention. If they do, the type of certification you should process is ‘apostille’ and if not is ‘embassy attestation’. Since Spain agrees with Hague Convention, the type of certification you process may be determined by whether the other country, submit country, joins Hague Convention! If do you get apostille and if not you get embassy attestation.
   Then you may wonder what the difference between apostille and embassy attestation is. When the two countries both belong to Hague Convention, all you have to do is getting Apostille confirmation from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country where the document is originally created. On the other hand, if at least one country of two doesn’t take a part in Hague Convention, you should obtain embassy attestation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and reconfirm from submit country! Simply speaking, apostille is simpler than embassy attestation in that you only need to get confirm from the one authority and need not to get reconfirmation! 

  But there is one thing to be aware of when apostille. You can only get the apostille certification from the right authority of the country in which document is created when you are on the land of the country! Following this in the case of matter submitting Spanish document to another country, mentioned earlier, you can only process certification step when only you are in Spain. If you are outside of Spain, there is no way than finding someone else! 

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As you may feel while reading this, it is quite confusing and easy to get into the wrong way!
 Do not manage it alone and stop suffering!
 KICPC is here for you!

KICPC can help you from issuing to certification, no matter apostille or embassy certification.
 And also deliver it to you!

With KICPC you can get your Spanish document ready to use in other countries even in your room  
 Contact us! Any inquiry will be welcomed!

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 [E-MAIL] apo@allminwon.com
 [Customer Support] +82 1090062182
 [Office Hour] 9am – 6pm, Mon thru Fri

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