
Get FBI CHECK/ FBI CHECK apostille online with a few clicks!


Hi, It’s KICPC:)

Is there someone who has lived in the US for more than 6months?

Those people may need Criminal Record(USA) which is called ‘FBI CHECK 

if they apply for a visa(or for other reasons).

Meaning of criminal records check:

A criminal records check is an official document issued 

as a result of a background check 

by the police or government agency of a country 

to enumerate any criminal records that the applicant may have. 

Criminal records check can only be issued in the local area.

(Ex. FBI CHECK-> in the USA, South Korean PCC-> South Korea)

“Then, do I have to go back to the US if I hadn’t prepared for FBI CHECK?

NO! There’s a fast and convenient way to get FBI CHECK online!


1. Enter the KICPC website: http://global.allminwon.com/html/index.html

2. Enter the word ‘FBI CHECK’

3. Choose the document you need

4. Payment

DONE! There are also other options for people who:

 -have FBI CHECK but need an apostille

 -don’t have FBI CHECK and also need an apostille

What is an apostille?

People get an apostille to verify the document they have is legitimate and authentic 

so that it can be accepted in one of the other countries 

who are members of the Hague Apostille Convention.

I hope you can save time and costs by using our service. 

KICPC has more than five-year experience in this field and professional employees.

For more information


Office Hours: 9am-6pm Monday-Friday

Customer Support: +82 1090062182

Email: apo@allminwon.com

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