
How To Make Norwegian Documents Usable In Foreign Countries


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We all have heard globalization. And…yes! Countries all around the world get connected leading borders of countries meaningless. However, we still need to go through some official procedures when visiting other countries, transferring some stuff from one country to another country and so on.


  It is also the same when sending documents from one country to another. For the matter of sending documents from one country to another, there are three steps; (1) Translation (2) Notarization (3) Certification. Based on this, let’s take a look at on how to use Norwegian documents abroad.

  Since you are submitting Norwegian documents to a foreign country, (1) you should translate all your Norwegian on document to the language of submit country. Though you are good at the language of submit country, you should get it translated by professional translator. Unless, you may be discouraged in the next step, notarization. After the translation is done, (2) you should notarize on your translation, so that you can guarantee that your translation is reliable and matches with the original text. Also in this step you should find a professional notary lawyer!

  Step (1) and (2) are easy to follow but step (3), which is the last step is a bit difficult! In this step, you get a certification or certifications on the authenticity of the document. However, before you get down to this in earnest you should check whether the two countries where the document is created and is to used both join Hague Convention. Depending on this, the type of certification is decided, apostille or embassy attestation. 

  Considering that Norway is a member of Hague Convention, you only need to check whether the submit country belongs to the Convention. If do, you get apostille to certify but if not you get embassy attestation. The difference between apostille and embassy attestation is that apostille is less complicated. It is because you only ought to get certification from the right authority of the country where the document is created. Otherwise, you should get reconfirms from the submit country after this to get embassy attestation. 

  Though apostille is more simple than embassy attestation, there is one fatal point when apostille! 



  According to the above explanation, when getting apostille, you only need to get certification from ONE country. Here the fatal point lies! Apostille certification is ONLY AVAILABLE when you are in the country where the document is created, which means you can only get apostille on Norwegian document when you are in Norway. Thus don’t forget apostille before you leave Norway! 

  If you are currently outside of Norway and want to use Norwegian document, you cannot get apostille by yourself unless you return to Norway. In this case, the only way to get it is finding a someone who can do it on behalf of you. But this is not that easy either in that it is a process that needs a lot of care and work to ask for. Thus I would recommend you to use agency to get apostille! 

  I also recommend trying agency to those who are outside of Norway. Even though you can get it on yourself, preparing documents needed requires you a lot of works. Moreover, you should find a professional translator and notary lawyer to end the whole processes, which also consumes a lot of time  Thus try agency who can do it for you from beginning to the end! 


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