
KICPC with Mexico Criminal Record


Hi this is KICPC

Today's posting is about Mexico Criminal Record~!

I think everybody would know that Mexico is famous for tacos

From Taco World let's get criminal records~!~!

What is Criminal Record?

To prove your innocence, you will have to bring criminal records.

But!! To prove the criminal record is internationally eligible, 

you will have to pick either apostille or consular legalization. 

If the criminal record is from the member Apostille

you will have to get an Apostille.

If not, you will have to get consular legalization

But as Mexico is the member Apostille,

you will have to pick the first one.

 In general, after the 'Ministry of Foreign Affairs' and 'Embassy Legalization', 

the reliability of the national document is verified, 

but there is an inconvenience in terms of time and cost. 

To resolve this inconvenience, without consular legalization through overseas consulates 

among the member countries, Apostille has appeared, 

which recognizes documents with Apostille as legalized documents. 

*Notice that only available in Mexico to get Mexico Apostille.


Who will help you with Aposille and Criminal Records?

If you visit KICPC, you will be able to get help there.


If you choose express, 

your documents will be proceeded within 18 days (except delivery time)

For more information 


Office Hours : 9 am -6pm Mon to Fri

Email : apo@allminwon.com

Customer Service : +821090062182

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