
Don't give up getting Vietnam driver's license!!


Hi this is KICPC!!

Today’s posting is about Vietnam Driver’s license.

Did you know that we need to get a consular legalization on a driver’s license 

to make it eligible internationally?

If you didn't know I will let you know why we need to get a consular legalization. 

Why do we need a consular legalization?

The credibility of national documents is verified by obtaining 

"Embassy Legalization" after "Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Consular Legalization)".


In order to receive documents of non-member countries' apostille, 

it must be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then certified by the Embassy. 

What is a consular legalization exactly? How does it work?

Documents-Notarization-Ministry of Vietnam-Embassy Vietnam

Is it possible to get a consular legalization without going to Vietnam?

Nope! You may not. 

You need to visit Vietnam and get a consular legalization. 

If I cannot go to Vietnam, do I have to give up?

Nope! KICPC will help you with this process.

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 with accurate, reliable and affordable service.

Visit our website and contact us!! 

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Email : apo@allminwon.com

Contact : +82 2 747 2185

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