
Looking for French Police Clearance Certificate?


Looking for French Police Clearance Certificate? 




Hi! This is KICPC

Today, let me introduce Police Clearance Certificate in France!

What is Police Clearance Certificate?


Police Clearance Certificate is also named a criminal record check, 

police check, background check, etc.

The police clearance certificate in France is an official document 

issued by the Ministère de la Justice. (Ministry of Justice)

It details whether or not an applicant has a criminal record in France and is required 

as part of the visa process by the respective high commission or embassy.


Why is the police clearance certificate required?


A police clearance certificate should be submitted as a required document 

in some situations such as employment, emigration, visa to live and work.

How to get a French police clearance certificate with KICPC?


In general, you have to visit the Ministry of Justice in France by yourself.

However, it takes so much time and cost, 

also due to Covid-19, it is hard for foreigners to visit France immediately to get it.

In this case, you can use KICPC to get a police clearance certificate in France 

immediately and cost-effectively. 

We also provide an apostille on it if you need. 



1. Visit KICPC website:



2. Click ‘Criminal Record Check’ on the top of the website


3. Choose the 'Criminal Record Issue in France' and the option you need


4. Payment


If you want to use the French police clearance certificate abroad, 

you have to get it apostilled or embassy legalized.

So, KICPC has options for service including 'Apostille'.

Therefore, we recommend you to check the guidelines where you submit it.

KICPC is a global company specializing in 

Certificate Issuance, Translation, Notarization, and Apostille.

If you have difficulty in getting a police clearance certificate in France, 

KICPC can give you the detailed instruction.


For more information,


Contact Info.


Office Hours: 9 am-6 pm Monday-Friday

Website: global.allminwon.com

Customer Support: +82 2 747 2185

Email: apo2@allminwon.com

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