There is SPIRIT in human body in my observation!!!
When I was student, we had to go hospital to practice the clinical experience what we learn in theory in the class three times a week. Oneday, one of the patient passed away, and all student were sad even though I did not know who he was.[human nature I guess]. They did not cover the face of dead patient, but leave him on bed flat. About 15mins later, I pass by the dead patient, and I was shock that his facial expression was gone, his body was seems nothing but piece of wood. I asked to 63 years old professor, why his face changed. My professor answered; "15 mins ago, he was body and spirit then, but now his spirit left from his body and the body is not different from the piece of woods." I have no power to denied that movement. I was in the stage with Alex. Today 40 years later, I strongly believe human being is made of body and spirit, with interchange from the though to material world by the BRAIN FUNCTION which, we do not have the knowledge much about it's organ !

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