
[Essay in My Heart] The Present - English


[Essay in My Heart]

The Present

A medical doctor Spenser Johnson, one of the most respected and beloved authors in the world, helped many readers around the world to discover how to use simple, profound truths leading to less stress and more success at work and at home as the following.

Over forty-million copies of his books were translated into more than 42 languages.

Three ways to use your present moments to enjoy your work and life, now!

Be in the Present

When you want to be happier and more effective

Focus on What is right now.

Respond to what is important today.

Learn from the Past

When you want to make the present better than the past

Look at what happened in the past.

Learn something valuable from it.

Do things differently today.

Help Created the Future

When you want to make the future better than the present

Imagine what a wonderful future would look like.

Make a realistic plan.

Do something today to help it happen.

Realize Your Purpose

Explore Ways to Make Your Work

And Life More Meaningful


The Present – The Secret to Enjoying Your Work and Life, Now!, Spencer Johnson, Doubleday, 2003.

November 16, 2021


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