
[Essay In My heart] A Letter


[Essay In My heart]

A Letter

Last Thanksgiving, a pretty letter was delivered to me. It was a letter from a close friend who had known each other for about 20 years.

Take a few minutes and write a note of thanksgiving and gratitude to someone who has meaning in your life. We are making it easy. Here’s a card and stamp included.

Make someone smile!

Thanksgiving isn’t just a day for celebration.

It’s a way we can live our lives every day!


Janet & Frank

Even these days, when Social Network Services using the Internet is the trend, I still get excited when I receive a paper letter. This is because a letter is a 'sign of interest and love' that someone is still thinking about you and writes it down with your sincerity.

Inside the envelope was a blank envelope with a beautiful little card and a stamp affixed envelope. I pondered over who to send the card to. However, I couldn’t decide to send the card to anyone.

The beautiful little card they sent me had the following words on it:

A thankful HEART is not only the greatest virtue but the parent of all the other virtues.


Consider the proposition of whether there are people who truly love you and who also love them, other than family, in the course of a person's life. After receiving this letter, the following phrases about people's lives suddenly came to my mind.

Live well. Laugh often. Love much.

This is life, well-designed.

As I go through the frustrating days where it is hard to see the end like these days, I deeply engrave the meaning of this phrase in my heart once. “In the future, I will live harder, laugh more, and love each other.”

As the years go by and I get older, I think it is a great blessing to have such good friends. I think that if you continue to share such blessings with others, it is also a bigger blessing.

It is said that love grows bigger, warmer, and spreads farther into the world the more if it is shared.

Long live my beautiful love!


December 8, 2021

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