Cogito, Ergo Sum. - The life story of one Virginian.
A Book Review: The Art of the Handwritten NoteIn The Art of the Handwritten Note, Margaret Shepherd…
손편지를 쓰는 실용적인 측면 외에도, 셰퍼드는 편지를 보내는 예절에 대해서도 언급합니다. 특히 감사의 편지나 애도 편지는 시기적으로 빨리 보내야 한다고 강조하며, 빠른 응답은 받…
[내 마음의 韓詩 532 … Korean Poem in My Heart 532]寒冬夜情/한동야정 寒夜冰原月光輝/한야빙원월광휘孤枝影落火爐微/고지영락화로미清霜皓白心中靜/청상호백심중…
[Essays on My Heart]A Book Review: The Analects of Confucius (論語)Since I first heard about the Anal…
[내 마음의 韓詩 510 … Korean Poem in My Heart 510]深秋/심추隱士茅屋秋深孤/은사모옥추심고新作韓詩閑浮沼/신작한시한부소 燈下陰影微旋舞/등하음영미선무 玉案…
A Book Review: The Winter of Our DiscontentThe Winter of Our Discontent, the last novel by American…
[Essays of My Heart]After Reading "Dasan's Knowledge Management Method"SoltiLong ago, during an…
"Master Slave Husband Wife" is a nonfiction work by Korean American author Ilyon Woo, published in …
In Dubious Battle"In Dubious Battle" is a novella written by the prominent American novelist John S…
In Dubious Battle "In Dubious Battle (승산(勝算) 없는 싸움)"은 미국의 저명한 소설가 존 스타인벡에 의해 1936년에 쓰여진 중편소설로, 대공황 …
Lessons Learned through the Adventurous Exploration of Gan Yi's Life A fair and just evaluation…
Living in a quiet and tranquil countryside as I age year by year, I've been pondering over hobb…