Cogito, Ergo Sum. - The life story of one Virginian.
[Essays of My Heart]Why do I diligently read the novels of John Steinbeck?SoltiJohn Steinbeck (1902…
존 스타인벡(1902…1968)은 미국의 저명한 소설가, 연극 작가, 수필가, 그리고 단편 소설 작가인데, 그의 대표작으로는 "Of Mice and Men"과 "The Grape…
[Essay in My Heart] The Red Pony In September 1953, the book "The Short Novels of John Steinbeck" w…
[내 마음의 隨筆]The Red Pony 1953년 9월 미국의 The Viking Press, Inc.에서 출판된 책인 "The Short Novels of John Stein…
[Essay in My Heart]Health First and HappinessTime is more complex near the sea than in any other pl…
[내 마음의 隨筆]爲主健康과 幸福 Time is more complex near the sea than in any other place, for in addition to t…
[Essay in My Heart]Of Mice and Men‘Of Mice and Men’, published by John Steinbeck in 1937, was trans…
[Essay in My Heart]Tortilla FlatIt's autumn, a good time to read. I was wondering if there woul…
[Essay in My Heart]Tortilla Flat독서하기 좋은 가을이 되어 다시금 뭐 재미있는 이야기가 좀 없을까 궁리하던 차에 몇 해 전 내 친구가 나에게 빌려 주었던…
[내 마음의 한시 408 … Korean Poem in My Heart 408]花香春日春夜飛散花葉燦 / 춘야비산화엽찬 殘月相和沁香散 / 잔월상화심향산 一鶴突飛江上昇 / 일학돌…
[Column]My Calligraphic WayMoosan Huh Hwe-TaeWhat is calligraphy when poetry is a talking picture a…