Cogito, Ergo Sum. - The life story of one Virginian.
독후감: The Art of the Handwritten Note (손편지의 예술)‘손편지의 예술’에서 마가렛 셰퍼드는 디지털 커뮤니케이션이 지배하는 시대에서 손편지가 지닌 지속…
靑山谷遠山東西細路分/원산동서세로분 松花含雨落靜粉/송화함우낙정분 驟雨暫去一光輝/취우잠거일광휘 積雲百霧染靑山/적운백무염청산 李崇仁(1347…1392)의 韓詩 題僧舍에 次韻하다.푸른산…
"Master Slave Husband Wife" is a nonfiction work by Korean American author Ilyon Woo, published in …
[Essays of My Heart]Why do I diligently read the novels of John Steinbeck?SoltiJohn Steinbeck (1902…
[Essay in My Heart]A Book Review: The Pastures of Heaven "The Pastures of Heaven (In Spanish, Las P…
[Essay in My Heart]Sea of CortezJohn Steinbeck, a prominent American novelist who wrote many novels…
[내 마음의 韓詩 490 … Korean Poem in My Heart 490]忍冬 隱密暗香散後園/은밀암향산후원 西山日沒漸漸丹/서산일몰점점단 淸凉微風流松林/청량미풍류송림 初夏情恨…
A Book Review: The Grapes of WrathSoltiThe Grapes of the Wrath is a quintessentially American novel…
[Essay in My Heart]Book Review … Seoyugyeonmun (西遊見聞)In 2008, with the help of a person who was vis…
[Essay in My Heart]A Book Review: Cannery RowBy Solti Cannery Row is a short story by the famous Am…
[Essay in My Heart]A Book Review: Cannery RowCannery Row는 미국의 유명 소설가인 John Steinbeck의 단편소설로 The Vik…
[내 마음의 韓詩 445 … Korean Poem in My Heart 445]螢 松下獨坐後庭暗/송하독좌후정암 螢群旋回漸進淡/형군선회점진담. 西山山色漸漸靑/서산산색점점청 …