
Apply to German University ; Studienkolleg


Apply to German University ; Studienkolleg

Cr : daad


This course not only prepares students for international studies in Germany to prepare for the final graduation exam (Feststellungsprüfung) after the college preparatory course but also depending on your purpose of study, it helps you to take courses that connect you with your major and prepare language.

The course is one year and can be applied twice a year (on the April / September ; with some differences depending school) with no tuition. However, to enter this course more than an intermediate level of German(B2) is required.

In general, foreigners who are not qualified to enter university immediately after high school can apply for this course after attending a university in their home country for a period of time.

< Procedure of Studienkolleg >

1. Find out if you can apply directly to a German university or need a student preparatory course (Studienkolleg).

2. Check the application period, eligibility, and application documents for each college’s preparatory course.

(1) Application form (Antrag auf Zulassung): Download from the uni-assist website or through the homepage of each college’s preparatory course.

(2) Certificate of Education: Korean and English (or German) must be submitted at the same time.

-High school graduation certificate and transcript of records: issued at graduated high school

-CSAT(Korean college entrance exam) score: Issued by the Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation

(If you have taken CSAT several times, submit the best one)

-Transcript of record and certificate of graduation of University.

(3) Certificate of Language

(4) Motivation Letter

* A copy of your certificate of education and certificate of language must be submitted and must be notarized or certified by one of the following organizations: (German Public Office, German Embassy in Korea (charged), Notary Office, Organization that issued documents)

3. Apply after checking whether you have to apply directly to a college preparatory course or through uni-assist (www.uni-assist.de).

4. Apply Visa for predatory course. (Visum für Studienvorbereitung)

5. Prepare entry exam.

6. Take entry exam.

But for people who are already in Germany or far from their native country,

it’s hard for them to issue documents and get Apostille in person :(

Don’t worry! KICPC will help you !

We offer various services for applying Studienkolleg,

such as issuance of graduation certificates and transcripts to Apostille certification!

Also all of documents can be deliver internationally!

If you want to know more about our services or have any questions, 

visit our website( global.allminwon.com ) or send us an e-mail!( apo@allminwon.com )!

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