
Guide to the differences between Apostille and Embassy Attestation


Guide to the differences between Apostille and Embassy Attestation

  1. 1. What is “Apostille” ?

○ As globalization has advanced, the number of documents issued by one country is being used in other countries is increasing rapidly. In order for a document from one country to be admitted in another country, it must be verified for its use abroad.

Generally, the country in which the document will be used (document receiving country) confirms the reliability of the documents issued in the country where the diplomatic office is located by means of ‘embassy attestation' at the overseas diplomatic mission.

In order to study abroad or marry internationally, students are required to submit their graduation, transcripts, and status-related certificates in Korea to the appropriate foreign school or authority. As a measure, it is given credibility by receiving 'consular confirmation' from the diplomatic mission in the issuing country.

In case of an international marriage or to study abroad, applicants are required to submit a certificate of graduation, grade, and status in Korea to the relevant foreign schools or authorities. In order to check whether a document has been duly issued, foreign institutions give the document a credibility by receiving a “embassy attestation” from the diplomatic mission of the document issuing country.

For example, if a document issued in Korea is used in China, it is legal to be used in China if you receive a consular confirmation from the Chinese embassy or consulate in Korea. Since the Chinese Embassy in Seoul cannot confirm every single of the seal or signature of the documents issued in Korea, the applicant is required to first receive the Korean Foreign Ministry’s ‘embassy attestation.’

  1. 2. What is difference between Apostille and Embassy Attestation

○ Documents issued in Korea differ in the verification process depending on whether the submit countries joined Apostille convention.

   ○ When submitting to Apostille Convention, submit it after receiving Apostille confirmation from Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

   ○ If you are submitting to a country that has not joined the Apostille Convention, you will need to obtain embassy attestation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and reconfirm from submit country's diplomatic mission.

If you don’t know the accurate way to get Apostille and Embassy Attestation, it takes a time and costs.

But here’s KICPC will help you!!!

We can help you from issuing documents to Apostille / Embassy Attestation!

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