
Issuance Certificate of Convictions of Spain from foreign country!


Emisión Certificado de Conviciones de España en los paises extranjeros!

Here is KICPC. 

Today let me tell you one of the easy way to issue Certificate of Convictions of Spain from foreign country. 

Certificate of convictions is a document contained results of looking up criminal history.

It can be used to verify identity and to admission of visa for foreigner. 

So that, you may need Certificate of conviction to get visa from foreign country from countries where you stayed more than 6 months. 

In case you have stayed more than 6 months in Spain and trying to get visa from other country (Kind of United States, Australia, Korea, etc.), You would be required Certificate of Conviction from Spain. 

But, the inconvenience of issuing Certificate of Conviction of Spain in other country is that you have to go Spain to get the document. It only can be issued in person. 

If you want to issue by substitute, It is also needed a lot of papers to proof why you can’t appear (such as hospital certificate, confirmation of overseas stay), warrant of attorney and ID of substitute and applicant, etc.

For solution those complicate and expensive procedure, KICPC offer a services in simple way. 

Just visit our web site and click ‘Criminal Record’.

We handle more than 30 countries. 

For submitting to other country, translation, notarization and apostille are demanded.

With KICPC you can pass every steps of prepare the document to submit abroad

If you need other question, ask to below address. 



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