
[KICPC easily solves Domestic & Overseas Apostille Problem]/FBICHECK, APOSTILLE


KICPC easily solves Domestic & Overseas Apostille Problem
-Crossing the border with Non-face-to-face 'one-stop service’ service

The recent corona outbreak is rapidly spreading to Europe and the United States. In Europe including Italy (including more than 20,000 people), Spain (more than 7,000 people), France (more than 5,000 people), and many other EU joined countries are encountered corona crisis. The United States is in a bad situation too. This is because there are more than 3,000 confirmed cases in western Washington, New York and other states.
On the 12th March, US President Donald Trump said in a speech to the public that he would prohibit traveling from Europe to the United States from the 13th to 30th March. As a matter of fact, this was a ban on entry, and on the 15th March, it was applied to 28 European countries, including the United Kingdom and Ireland. It is pointed out that many corona virus confirmed cases in the United States are due to travelers from Europe.
As such, entry and departure from all over the world, including Europe and the United States, is banned, so it brings global economic crisis. It also has a major setback in overseas document processing for international immigration, study abroad, employment, and international marriage. In particular, it was more difficult to receive local Apostille and embassy certifications required for overseas documents submission.
Mr.A, who is American preparing to work in a multinational company in Italy, said "I am currently unable to return to the United States for getting a local Apostille for college graduation and transcripts, and it is not long before the deadline for submission." Mr.Park, who stays in Korea for finding a job after university graduation in USA is in the same situation. Because, in order to obtain and submit the US FBI CHECK, which is required by the company, the Apostille must be confirmed by the local State Department directly, but it has become very difficult to deal with it.
Apostille is an agreement (named Apostille Convention) to abolish the demand for certification of foreign official documents. This convention allows that documents issued by local countries can be used directly in other country, if documents have the certification of their Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Further confirmation is not necessary. Currently, countries who joined Apostille Convention are almost 120 countries including Korea, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Japan, etc.
With many borders being blocked due to the corona spread, KICPC is a hot topic for civilians all over the world. Because they can receive safe and accurate document agent services even non face-to-face. KICPC Co., Ltd. built a global network service which can across the border past few years. With KICPC, people can solve their problems related with documents preparation.
KICPC Co., Ltd. operates the application named 'Delivery of multinational documents' which handles complex and demanding documenting tasks, from issuance to translation, notarization, Apostille of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, embassy certification, and overseas delivery with a few clicks in online and on mobile.
This application has a great feature that it is possible to request order from anywhere in the world even without a computer, printer, scanner, or certified certificates. Above all, it provides accurate work by experts. Also, it has the advantage of being able to safely and promptly handle work from domestic to overseas, from overseas to overseas and from domestic to overseas.



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