
[Citizen Daily] China's Criminal History Certificate (Innocent Certificate), easily Issue with non-f


[Citizen Daily] China's Criminal History Certificate (Innocent Certificate), easily Issue with non-face-to-face service in abroad

Currently, Korea, China, and Japan are strengthening their countermeasures to prevent foreign influx form foreign countries as corona outbreak in the world, such as Europe, the United States, and Southeast Asia become serious. On the 28th March, China decided to temporarily stop the entry of foreigners with valid visas and residence permits, and Korea has increased the number of confirmed cases through overseas counter-influx such as overseas Koreans, international students, and business travelers. So, Korean government commanded to take self-quarantine for 14 days for all immigrants, including Koreans, who came into Korea regardless of starting points.
In February, Mr.jang who is an international student from China, entered Korea before the start of the semester, but because of anxiety about the corona crisis, he is taking time off from school now. While living in Korea, he decided to find a job to earn money during the leave of absence, but Mr. Jang was deeply contemplated while preparing to apply for the Overseas Korean Visa (F-4 visa), which allows him to stay and work in Korea. This is because it is necessary to obtain and submit one of the application documents, a certificate of criminal record (certificate of innocence in China).

He said, "I didn't have time to prepare criminal records when I was in China due to the corona crisis. And I heard that for the issuance of a Chinese innocence certificate, it can only be issued in China." "I don’t know how to get a Chinese innocence certificate in South Korea because China and Korea, both countries restrict to enter and exit for blocking foreign influx and spread of corona virus.”
Each country's criminal history certificate is called an identification report and can only be issued locally, so people must visit the country and process it. In addition, translation, notarization, apostille, and embassy certification needed to documents to be submitted overseas, are only available locally. And because of the procedures of issuance are differ from the country, people must be understood the necessary information in advance. In addition, the issuance period may take up to several months.


As the corona outbreak attacks worldwide, both human and materials are bound, so many people are in trouble with the issuance and submission of overseas documents. KICPC, which is in the spotlight as an online non-face-to-face service, has a global IT network platform. So that even if people don't go to the governmental offices, people can get a Chinese innocence certificate or other country’s criminal history with a few clicks through the Internet and a mobile app. International delivery is also possible.

In addition, KICPC is a multi-national corporation that processes international documents required for various fields such as studying abroad, immigration, employment, visas, and international driver's licenses. They have various services for overseas documents like translation, notarizaton, apostille, embassy certification. People can use multi-services from domestic to overseas, from overseas to overseas, from overseas to domestic.




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