[내 마음의 韓詩 541 – Korean Poem in My Heart 541]
紅梅傲雪報春來/홍매 오설 보춘래
寒氣猶存香自開/한기 유존 향자개
不與群芳爭艷色/불여 군방 쟁염색
高風亮節士之才/고풍 양절 사지재
붉은 매화
홍매화 눈속에도 봄소식 알려오고
찬기운 남았어도 꽃향기 그윽하네.
여러꽃 아름다움 다투지 아니하고,
고품격 맑은절개 선비의 기상이라.
English Translation
Red Plum Blossom
Though snow still falls, the red plum knows,
And whispers where the spring wind blows.
Though winter’s chill still fills the air,
Its gentle scent is rich and rare.
It does not vie with blooms more bright,
But stands alone in noble light.
Its graceful heart and pure design—
A scholar’s soul in bloom divine.
Spanish Translation
Flor del Ciruelo Rojo
Aunque la nieve aún cubra el jardín,
la flor del ciruelo anuncia el fin.
Perfume suave, noble esplendor,
aun con el frío, emana amor.
No compite con flor en su gala,
su alma serena nunca se exhala.
Refleja el temple del buen sabio,
con dignidad en aire sabio.
French Translation
Fleur de Prunier Rouge
Sous la neige froide, un doux matin,
la rouge fleur dit : « Le printemps vient. »
Le vent est frais, mais son parfum
flotte dans l’air, subtil, divin.
Sans jalouser d’autres beautés,
elle garde calme et dignité.
Elle incarne l’âme du lettré,
noble et pure, fière de rester.
Japanese Translation
2025年 3月12曰