
Get your FBI CHECK at home!


Hi there!  
This is KICPC, rescuing people from all the certificate-related problems around the world! 

Today I am going to introduce FBI CHECK!

 FBI CHECK is an American version of criminal record check which certifies one’s criminal history
for people who have stayed in America more than 6 months! This document is often required to
verify one’s identity and is essential when it comes to issuing or extending one’s VISA for
reasons like getting a job or enrolling a school from America. Plus, for this FBI check to be
valid in outside of America, you should get it apostille or embassy certification.
 However, this whole process, from issuance to apostille or embassy certification, is quite complicated
to solve by oneself. Also, FBI CHECK Is issuable only in US! Thus, if you already left US, there is no
way to actually get it! 

 If you are struggling with acquiring your FBI CHECK and getting it apostille/embassy certification or if you
are the one who already left the country, don’t worry! KICPC is here for you! 
 KICPC provides a sort of services, certificate issuance, translation, notarization, Apostille, Embassy
certification, and delivery service. With us, your FBI CHECK, which get either apostille or embassy 
certification, will be delivered to the right front of your home, no matter where you are! 

  Just visit our website below and free to experience this one-stop service!
  Don’t miss it!

For more information, visit our website or email us
 website: global.allminwon.com
 E-mail: apo@allminwon.com

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