
We are still open the Covid-19 Pandemic



We are still open the Covid-19 Pandemic

With all that is happening around us – restaurant closing, schools closing, even countries closing, we want to reassure you that we are still open. Since much of our business can be handled either online or with limited person to person contact, we are here to keep business going.

Apostille Services – an apostille verifies the authenticity of a document. This is used when documents need to be proven as true for other countries. The documents are either apostilled or authenticated, depending on the destination country.

We work with the necessary state, the US Department of State in Washington DC, and or/ the county’s embassy to have the documents apostilled or authenticated. Because of the short staff and the increase in work on for the state and federal governments, the same day or next day time- frame is not always possible.

We can still ensure your documents are apostilled or authenticated; it will just take a little longer than usual. 

Contact info.



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