
Exchange your US driver's license to Korean one!


Hello, this is KICPC again.
Because of social distancing, my life has been quite monotonous and dull!
How are you guys doing these days? 

Though tedious, I hope all of you reading my blog are fine from the situation, covid-19 pandemic!  
 Today I prepared some helpful information given coronavirus situation. That is, I guess many of you
guys are planning to go to Korea or already went back to Korea where it is quite safe from covid-19.
Thus I am going to introduce the easiest way to get Korean driver’s license! 

 To get Korean driver’s license, you may take a license test. But isn’t it too irksome? 

There is another way! 

 Thanks to Apostille convention, you can change your US driver’s license into Korean one 

only when you get your driver’s license Apostille certification. Bring this Apostille certificate

with your passport, driver’s license, original national ID card or alien registration card, 3 

color photos taken within 6 months in 3.5*4.5 size and certificate of facts concerning 

entry& exit to Korean DMV! The fee will be 12,500won(around $10.17 in USD). Then ALL DONE! 

However, there are few things that you should take some notes.

For foreign documents to be valid, the documents need to get Apostille 

or Embassy certification at THE country. In this case, you should get your driver’s license 

certificated in US!

US is known for having different policies in each state. Check whether your state permit 

the exchange of driver’s license! If you reside in one of the states below, you can exchange!

[ Exchangeable states ]
 Maryland, Virginia, Washington, Texas, Massachusetts, Florida, Oregon, Michigan, Idaho,

 Alabama, West Virginia, Iowa, Colorado, Georgia, Arkansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, 

 Hawaii, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Arizona, Louisiana
 ***States that don’t belong to above list don’t permit the exchange so if you are in one of them you may take some aptitude exam or go through some complicated procedures.
 If you belong to the states listed above, 

you can have Korean driver’s license easily and fast. 

But the problem occurs when people forget to get certification of their license!
 But don’t dare to worry! You are not alone! KICPC is here for you!
KICPC is the agency that issue certificate-related documents, translate, 

get them certified in place of you and deliver them to your postbox! 

We can help your driver’s license get Apostille certification

 and also issue your certificate of facts concerning exit & entry 

and deliver to you!

For more information, visit our website, www.globalallminwon.com !

If you have questions, email us, apo@allminwon.com !

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