
Dodging from Covid-19, immigrants from AUS can get Australian criminal record check online-!


Hello there, this is KICPC, offering a one-stop services related to documents overseas!

 I guess many of you reading this are immigrants from many other countries. Either am I. I’ve lived nearly half of my life at Australia as young. So… today I am going to tell you a non F2F way to get Australian criminal record check-!

 But don’t leave the page just because you are not the immigrants from Aussie!Criminal record check is one of the most required documents regardless of countries when issuing VISA, working abroad and so on. Thus, it is still noteworthy for you who don’t belong to immigrants from Australia in that you can get the knack of it by reading, or at least skimming this article! 

 Australian criminal record check is so called AFP, which stands for Australian Federal Police. This document can only be issued at Australia, which is the same for almost all other countries. Furthermore, if you want to use this document outside of Australia, you should get it Embassy or Apostille certification! Without this kind of certification, your AFP is invalid.  

 If you don’t have time to spare for all the procedures above or you are outside of Australia for some other reasons, you can get it online. Copy this link, global.allminwon.com and paste it to your window. Then as you can check from the picture below, you can find a menu bar on the top of the page. Click ‘Criminal Record Check’ on the top menu bar and order what you needed! Plus, you have options to whether you get your AFP get certified or not!


 As I mentioned above, for who are not immigrant from Australia, it is worth to go onto the site thru the link above and look around whether you can order it from the site! There are some other criminal record checks from various countries including Australia. Also KICPC handle other documents like translation & notarization, Apostille and Embassy legalization on behalf you!

If you are interested or want some more information, feel free to connect us J
 website: global.allminwon.com
 E-mail: apo@allminwon.com



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