
Obtaining Police Clearance Certificate(PCC) in China online!


Hello! We are KICPC, A leader in the legal services industry in Korea.  

It is so warm and inviting that it is tempting to go outside. 

However, we should still maintain social distancing for a while until COVID-19 is over. 

Anyways, as we are the leading providing document processing company, we also assist clients in obtaining Police Clearance Certificate in China. 

-What is Police Clearance Certificate?

‘Police Clearance Certificate’ is called No Criminal Record(NCR) Certificate, Non-Criminal History Report, Background Check, Criminal Background Check, Police Record or Good Conduct Certificate etc.

-What is a police clearance certificate?

A police Clearance Certificate is a document that you are required to submit to assure that you have no criminal record. This is an official document issued by a public notary office. Only those who have no criminal record can obtain a police clearance certificate. 

-Who need a China police clearance certificate? 

Anyone who lives and works in China may request that their Police Clearance Certificate be forwarded to a requesting company. Please be reminded that the document can be issued for any person who has been a resident of China for more than 6 consecutive months. 

Here are the common cases that are required to obtain Police Clearance Certificate. 

-1. When a Korean as a foreigner studied for more than six months in China and is about to work in another country. 

-2. When a Chinese citizen is working in the Korean company requiring the proof of no conviction. 

-3. When a Korean is about to study abroad after finishing long-term study in China. 

-4. When a Korean is going to work overseas on a working holiday visa after working or staying for more than six months in China. 

-5. When your China residence visa only covers a limited time and you need to stay more.  

Unfortunately, since China is not Apostilled, there are two government agencies in China that may issue the certificates to foreigners. 

The one is a notary office (the respective State of Federal office), a public security agency (the respective Chinese Consulate or Embassy) is the other. 

Where your document is issued by a public security agency, it needs one more step for foreigners

-it needs to be further notarized by a notary office.

Since all public security agency does not guarantee your success of obtaining documents

knowing which public security agency that issues the certificates in a particular city is of importance.  

In addition, notary offices are situated by only a few cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu. 

Each city has their own document requirements for applying for a China police clearance certificate. 

You need to go over those requirements in advance.

The most important thing is only possible issuing authority is Chinawhich means you have to go back to China once you need a China Police Clearance Certificate no matter where you are. 

Imagine how you put a lot of effort for just obtaining China Police Clearance Certificate. 

Leave those complicated process to us. 

KICPC is experienced, fast and affordable with more than 5-year experience. 

Please click the link below and contact us with any questions you may have. 


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