
Échangez votre permis de conduire français avec un permis de coréen!


Bonjour à tous! C’est KICPC !
 Comment Ça va ?
 J'espère que Covid 19 sera en bonne santé!


  Today what I am going to tell is that you can change your French driver’s license into Korean one in Korea. All you have to prepare in France is to get an Apostille certification that validates your license outside of the France just as the ‘Apostille’ means. However, some forget to get an Apostille certification. Moreover, since Covid-19 even slow down the speed of the government which procrastinates handling some public documents, there are more people who fail to get an Apostille certification in France. Sadly, the Apostille can only be issued in France. 

  But don’t worry! We can get an Apostille certification instead of you and deliver it to you, wherever you are! Plus, we can help you prepare some other documents when in exchanging your French driver’s license. Follows are the materials except an Apostille needed.
 1) passport
 2) driver’s license
 3) original national ID card or alien registration card
 4) 3 color photos taken within 6 months in 3.5*4.5 size
 5) certificate of facts concerning entry& exit
  We can offer not just getting an Apostille certification in France but also a certificate of facts concerning entry & exit! If you don’t have enough time or don’t want to go out to handle those things though the pandemic situation, look around our website (global.allminwon.com)! You can get all you need at home ! 

 If you need more detailed information on us, contact us -!
 We are always waiting!
 E-mail: apo@allminwon.com
 WEB: global.allminwon.com

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