
[Philippines] Required Documents for F6 Marriage Visa in Korea


Hello! It’s KICPC. 

Today’s posting will be discussing about how Filipinos get an F6 marriage visa in South Korea. 

If you are planning to get married to Korean and live in Korea for long, you have to apply for F6 visa which you should renew every year. 

Once you get F6 visa, you can freely live in Korea without any worries. 

But since the process to obtain the visa is such a hassle, maybe you should make a list of necessary documents so that you won’t forget them. 

This posting would be suitable for Filipinos who want to have F6 visa.

First of all, there are some documents you should be aware of:

1. Application form (use specific format as required by Embassy)

2. One passport sized colored photo (Should be attached at the application form)

3. Passport Original (6Mons. Valid)

4. Copy of Passport Bio-Page

5. PSA Marriage Certificate Original

6. Original NBI Clearance (Within 3months, valid for travel abroad)

7. Original Medical Certificate (Within 6months) – Should be typewritten/computerized with Hospital letter head, contact number and Physician’s signature.  Please check example of Physical Examination. Certificate format for travel abroad with additional AIDS, VDRL, and Psychological tests)

8. Original & Copy of CFO certificate (issued from CFO, www.cfo.gov.ph)

9. Personal Details Form (use specific format as required by Embassy)

10. Proof of Korean Language Proficiency 

It’s seen prominent there are a lot of documents to be prepared especially for NBI Clearance, marriage certificate and basic certificate. 

Make sure each document should be translated to Korean and then notarization and apostille is required as clarified below. 

Issuance – Translation – Notarization – Apostille 

As a five-year experienced document processing company, we’ve seen many cases it ended up a tedious journey and didn’t pay off. 

But with KICPC, you will be satisfied with our quick and safe order system. 

We would be glad to be your guide to applying for the documents on behalf of you. 

Visit our website through the link below and have a free consultation! 

Web: http://global.allminwon.com/html/index.html 

E-mail: apo@allminwon.com

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