
International students studying in Greece, you need to get an Apostille!


Hello, It’s KICPC :)

Today, I’ll tell you very important thing to international students.

If you graduate from Greece 

and you want to submit a Greek school diploma in your home country, 

It will not be recognized as an official document.

To be recognized as an official document,

Your diploma has to go through the process of 

translating into the language of your country, notarization, and apostille.

Maybe you don’t know what Apostille is.

An Apostille is simply the name for a specialized certificate, issued by the Secretary of State. The Apostille is attached to your original document to verify it is legitimate and authentic so it will be accepted in one of the other countries who are members of the Hague Apostille Convention.

(source : https://www.internationalapostille.com/what-is-an-apostille/)

So, you have to get an Apostille on your diploma

to valid it in your country.

what documents to get an Authentication or Apostille?

You need a document with an original signature on it. That means either the original document or a notarized copy. Any official Government document with an original signature/stamp or seal on it can be Apostilled. If the document is not an official Government document (such as legal documents or medical certificates) the document (or a copy of it) must be notarized by a Notary Public. All business documents must be notarized or certified by the relevant chamber of commerce/industry.

All tertiary education documents must be notarized or verified by the central Student Administration area of the issuing institution. Please note that some universities will not verify their documents with an original signature, in which case the document must be notarized by a Notary Public.

(sorce : https://www.mfa.gr/usa/en/services/services-for-greeks/apostille.html)

How to get an Apostille in Greece?

(1) the department (nómos) which is the seat of the authority issuing the document in the case of administrative documents;

(2) the court of the first instance in the district which is the seat of the authority issuing the document in the case of judicial documents.

(source : http://www.apostilleinfo.com/greece.htm)

To be more specific,

Apostilles for documents originating in Greece are issued at KEP Citizen Service Centres. Call ‘1500’ or appear in person at any of their locations   throughout the mainland and islands.

For those abroad seeking apostilles for documents originating in Greece, inquire at the Greek consulate/embassy nearest your current residence.

(source : http://livingingreece.gr/2007/05/14/how-to-get-an-apostille/)

Does it look complicated?


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