
Shortcut to get a validated document from Canada


Hi, there.
 This is KICPC :-)

Due to corona situation, many students who studied in Canada rushed back
 to their home country. By sudden return and unexpected long stay in their home country they may face the situation submitting documents from Canada. Proof of enrollment, graduate certificate and RCMP(Canadian criminal records check) can be the examples. 

For the documents from Canada to be valid in other countries
 they need to be ‘authenticated’. However, Canada is not the member of Hague convention.
 Thus, to authenticate students need to get it translated, notarized to prove the translation is appropriate and certified by both foreign ministry. In other words, to get the validated documents people who are in need might have to go through a long and exhausting journey

Moreover, in the case of RCMP you cannot get this outside of Canada. The only way
 in a regularity is by visiting police in Canada. So..to get it outside of the Canada a person have to
 ask for someone else who are currently i Canada. 

But here...KICPC is a short cut! 
 Make things done thru KICPC, we will do all the headache-provoking stuffs in stead of you!
 We have professionals in Canada who can help you from issuance to embassy attestation!
 Try us!
 Want more information? Still disturbing?
 Don’t hesitate to contact us thru the contact details below!
 E-mail: apo@allminwon.com
 WEB: global.allminwon.com
 Customer Support: +82 1090062182
 Office Hours: 9am-6pm, Mon-Fri

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