
Preparing for study abroad, you’ll need a Police Certificate! (Kyrgyzstan)


Hi, It’s KICPC :)

Kyrgyzstan is very famous for the Issyk-Kul lake.

The lake is so wide that it looks like the ocean in the picture.

It looks really beautiful, so I want to see it for myself.

Today I’ll tell you about getting Police Certificate in Kyrgyzstan.

If you plan to stay abroad for a long time,

You should get a visa.

In order to get a visa, you’ll need a Police Certificate.

Then, what is a Police Certificate?

It is a document that proves your criminal record.

If you have a crime, it is recorded in this document.

*It can be issued if you live in Kyrgyzstan for more than 6 months.

How to get a Police Certificate?

If you live in Kyrgyzstan, 

you should apply it at the Main information Center of the 

“Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan”.

In another case, if you live outside of Kyrgyzstan,

You can request the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan where you live in.

To get your Police Certificate, there are some required documents.

Such as application form, passport, a set of your fingerprints, and so on…

Maybe you can feel this procedure is so difficult.

Also, you can miss some documents required.


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