
KICPC provides Police Certificate service for Vietnamese.


KICPC provides a Criminal Record service for Vietnamese. Vietnamese are second among foreigners living in Korea.

To get a Criminal Record, they have to go back to Vietnam. So KICPC provides a useful agency service for Vietnamese working in Korea. They don’t have to go back to their home country to get a Criminal Record.

These days, Many questions about Criminal records are coming into KICPC.

Criminal Record is a document that proves your criminal history.

There are two types of Criminal records in Vietnam.

Criminal Record no.1 only records for valid sentences. It is not including lapsed criminal sentences.

Criminal Record no.2 includes a previous criminal records. It includes lapsed criminal sentences.

Criminal Record no.1 is usually needed for foreigners to get a work permit in Vietnam.

A Criminal Record can be issued to people who lived in Vietnam for more than 6 months.

People living in Vietnam can apply the document at their nearest municipal or provincial Justice Department where they live permanently.

But people living outside of Vietnam should send completed application to the Department of Justice through the mail.

However, even this can be difficult when you are abroad. In this situation, KICPC can solve your difficulties. KICPC, as a reliable brand that certified by the state and customers, can save customers’ costs and time. You can use KICPC’s service by visiting the website and click some buttons.

For more information


Office Hours: 9am – 6pm Monday – Friday

Customer Support: +82 1090062182

Email: apo@allminwon.com

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