
KICPC can provide an answer about Questions of RCMP Record Checks.



Hello, it’s KICPC.

It seems like you guys have some questions about RCMP in Canada. 

Today, we will give answers to the questions!

Q1. What is RCMP Records Checks?

A : Reference Certificate is a document that shows your criminal history.

It proves whether you have a criminal record or not.

Q2. When do I need RCMP?

A : You’ll need RCMP when you apply for an International Experience work permit, a study in Canada, get international marriage, and so on….

Q3. Who can issue an RCMP Record Checks?

A : Who has stayed in your home country, or any other country for more than 6 months.

Q4-1. I lived in Canada for more than 4 years. Now I decided to settle down in Korea, and I need an RCMP record checks. Should I go back to Canada to get it? I think it’s wasting my time and costs.

Q4-2. My brother went to Canada to study. He lived there for 4 years. Now he returned to Korea, and our family decided to immigrate to the US.

He needs an RCMP record checks. Should he go back to Canada?

A : It’s very similar questions. You don’t have to go back to Canada!

You can use our service. 

We can solve these complicated procedures.

We’re a very competent agency. 

Also, we can save time and costs.

You just visit our website and click some buttons!

We are a reliable brand that certified by the state and customers.

You can use our service with trust.

For more information


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Customer Support: +82 1090062182

 Email: apo@allminwon.com

Feel free to contact us! :)

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