
How To Get Apostille From Japan In Korea : KICPC!


Hi, this is KICPC!  
 Today’s post is on Japan Apostille!
 Do you like Japan…?!
 Well, actually I am really fanatic to Japan since young.
 Though the historical conflicts between Korea and Japan, food, especially coffee and beer, and hot spring make me go visit Japan four or five times a year. 


Due to corona virus, it’s been a while not visiting Japan
 (miss all the food there!  )
 Since I am not more than a tourist, there are some people who may miss Japan more than me
 like people who actually resided there for work or study but currently are in Korea. 

 For people above, they may have been asked to submit Japanese paper, either public or private, to Korea. What’s more, handing this in to Korea can be found out quite often.
 For example, a person who worked in Japan for 3 years often submit career certificate, which is from Japan, to Korean corporate. 

 So, today I am going to tell you how to make these documents valid also in Korea.
 It is not difficult to understand Japanese document itself is no use in Korea whose official language is also different from Japan.

Thus, to make it valid, you should (1) translate it first. Translate all the Japanese into Korean. Then,
 you (2)notarize the translation so that your translation is proved to be trustworthy. 

After translating and notarizing, you should get certification on the authenticity of your document, so that your document is proven to be genuine and legal.
 Thanks to Hague convention that both Korea and Japan join, when transacting a document from Japan to Korea or vice versa, the kind of certification you must get is simple one, so called apostille. 

When apostille, all you have to do is (3)getting an apostille stamp from the authority of a country that originally created the document, not authorities from both countries.
 Thus for the case of using Japanese documents in Korea, you only have to get apostille certification from Japanese authority.
 No need to get certification from Korea. 

 Translate, Notarize, Apostille…
 It seems easy, right?
 Well unfortunately, processing those procedures in real is not that easy.
 Think about translating the document!
 Moreover, you may denied if the translation is not appropriate or under the criteria.

Plus, the real problem, a problem of problem, arises 
when you are in Korea and have to get apostille from Japan.
 It’s because apostille is only available in the land of the country that the document was created.
 So if you are outside of the Japan, there is no way to get apostille from Japan.
 Getting frustrated?!
 No sure to handle yourself? 


" Don’t worry!! "
" KICPC is here to help you!! "

 We have professionals in Japan to help you
 and experts in Korea to consult you !
 Just saying hello will also be welcomed!

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