
Step By Step Guide to Get UAE PCC (Police Clearance Certificate)


Hi, this is KICPC :-)

UAE(Arab Emirates) is known as ‘the land of opportunity’, so that many corporates from different countries entered and are trying to enter UAE market.
 Thus, it is a matter of course people with different background countries reside in UAE.
 Indeed the proportion of native in UAE is around 10% !
 Isn’t it surprising?!


Among rest of 90% of people in UAE, some keep staying in UAE but others while others return to their home countries or move to somewhere else.

If you are the one who belongs to the latter one, returning to your home country or moving to another country, there is one MUST document to prepare!
 That is….
 “ PCC ” 
 You may feel strange to this!

But this document is the most important and most frequently required document!

Especially when applying or expanding your visa, 
PCC is indispensable!

Let’s check it out from A to Z!


1. What is PCC? 
 PCC is an abbreviation for Police Clearance Check.
 It is a document that proves you are not involved in antisocial or illegal activities
 when staying in UAE

2. What to prepare for PCC? 
 1. A valid emirates ID card(if available)
 2. A letter from the beneficiary stating that he/she does not have any pending criminal CONVICTIONS
 3. A recent passport-size photograph
 4. A copy of the applicant’s passport
 5. Fingerprint card from the country you are residing in (when no longer a resident of UAE)

3. Caution?
 PCC can only be issued in the land of UAE !
 If you are outside of UAE, you have to go back to UAE

4. How to validate?
 PCC itself is in effect only in UAE unless you get the certification on the authenticity of PCC. 
 Before certificate, given that it is a matter between two different countries using different languages, you should translate PCC into the appropriate language, the language of submit country and notarize it to confirm the translation. After then you get certification mentioned above. But unfortunately UAE is not a member of Hague convention, you should get a certification of embassy from each country.

Now, we looked what is PCC, how to get it and how to validate outside of UAE!
 As you may know the whole process is long and require you some patience and time!
 Don’t just bear it!
 Let those things to KICPC and be free!!


We have professionals in UAE to issue your PCC on behalf of you, translate, notarize and certify it!
 Also, deliver it to the right place you assign to us!
 All you have to do are few clicks!
 Here is our contact detail!
 Feel free to contact us!
 “ KICPC “

E-mail: apo@allminwon.com
 WEB: global.allminwon.com
 Customer Support: +82 1090062182
 Office Hours: 9am-6pm, Mon-Fri


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